ScheduleUX Research-Registration

Improving the Registration Page for Research-Participants

This project reviews improvements to the "Registration Page" where people can sign-up to participate in research-sessions.

My Software-as-a-Service, ScheduleUX streamlines scheduling for user-research with self-service participant-registration pages.

ScheduleUX has been around for a while and has gone through several design revisions to meet the growing needs of my customers.

The original page was bare-bones and served only the most basic needs for participants to provide their contact info, select a session, and agree to the participation requirements.

The prototype registration page

The alpha-prototype registration page

The v1 design update for the registration page

The registration page with v1 branding

Over the years I've enhanced the session-selection component, the registration flow, the mobile layouts, and handling for studies with missing data. I've also created a feature for participants to add event-reminders to their calendars or to re-generate the reminders later if they need to.

v2 Design

In 2018, the brand was updated to use a fresh-looking neon-green and white color scheme. The Participant-Registration page was also updated to use a sidebar for registration tasks.

A mockup of the registration page

Study Overview

A mockup of the registration tasks

Registration Successful

A mockup of the participation requirements task

Generating Reminder

With the shift to remote-everything that came with the pandemic in 2020, ScheduleUX also shifted to support remote-research. The ScheduleUX now recognizes URL-formats for common video-call services including Zoom, WebEx, Google Meet, Skype, and more.

Customizing SUX

My research has shown that brand-recognition improves a participant's willingness to register, so my 2021-enhancement refines and simplifies the design of the registration-page to enable researchers to customize the branding.

This update involved reworking the design to maintain necessary branding-priority (needs to be recognizable as "_____ via ScheduleUX" and not as a direct product of the researcher's company), reducing the colors, considering the opportunities to simplify the branding-interface and reuse colors. and the accessibility requirements of maintaining adequate contrast.

v3 Design

Registration v3 Mobile layout


Registration v3 Tablet layout


Registration v3 Desktop layout


Registration v3 Ultra-Wide layout


Work Completed So Far

Up-to-date work can be seen on my team's Figma document.

  • Create a new UI for researchers to specify custom-branding colors
  • Update the registration pages to utilize custom branding if available
  • Create a new user-type so that participants can register for an account
  • Update all registration flows to differentiate between 'Researcher' and 'Participant'
  • Add a new flow to collect demographic information from participants when they register
  • Update the Account page to allow participants to see or modify their demographic information
  • Add a new flow for participants to join the pool for a given study

Next Steps: New Registration Flow

Researchers have also been asking for a pool of participants they can choose from (rather than the current 'first come, first served' model) so that they'll have better control over their demographic distribution and population-sampling.

The 2021 update will include updated flows where prospective participants can register with ScheduleUX and express interest in participating. If they're selected, the participants will receive a link to come back and schedule a session.

  • Create a new UI for participants to see which studies they're registered for
  • Create a new UI for researchers to review their participant pool and select participants
  • Create a new email template to invite selected participants schedule their session
  • Add a new flow for selected participants schedule their session
  • Add a new utility to notify returning-participants that they have not been selected yet